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50 most recent check-ins
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19:49 | HedgeDoc: migración de formatos Leaf check-in: 4611675b07 user: offray tags: trunk | |
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22:42 | TiddlyWiki: Mindmaps initial exploration check-in: aa46b13d2c user: offray tags: trunk | |
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02:11 | Temas claro/oscuro: pruebas iniciales. check-in: f0c303b5b8 user: offray tags: trunk | |
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15:18 | Migración básica desde Markmap. check-in: a12ca0456e user: offray tags: trunk | |
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21:40 | Generalizando. check-in: 55d2134e89 user: offray tags: trunk | |
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22:46 | Freeplane: explorar nodos. check-in: 42707c5306 user: offray tags: trunk | |
22:00 | Freeplane: inicia exploración. check-in: 5067f308bb user: offray tags: trunk | |
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15:01 | Maticas *suspiro... check-in: ecd0fb0a17 user: offray tags: trunk | |
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21:54 | Publicando narrativa de Logseq. check-in: de630c30b6 user: offray tags: trunk | |
00:39 | Empezando sincronización semiautomatizada de repositorios remotos y locales. check-in: eb87f4d360 user: offray tags: trunk | |
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15:07 | Consultas más modulares y diferentes tipos de consultas. check-in: e456db8230 user: offray tags: trunk | |
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19:38 | Organizando mejor la consulta. check-in: 58f6faf5a5 user: offray tags: trunk | |
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16:46 | Edición menor check-in: e984e32a49 user: offray tags: trunk | |
16:44 | Genaralización. Dependiendo de la interación cada pregunta o nota puede volverse su propia página. check-in: 783c9ccec2 user: offray tags: trunk | |
16:28 | Demostración de consulta en Agronet. check-in: 51ca22ccbc user: offray tags: trunk | |
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20:53 | Acrobatask: inicia. check-in: 6b51958947 user: offray tags: trunk | |
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15:05 | GT: Notas del Discord. check-in: ceba4c7972 user: offray tags: trunk | |
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19:33 | Sysadmin scripts: código en Pharo check-in: 71e416b6c1 user: offray tags: trunk | |
14:40 | Sysadmin scripts: inicia. check-in: bb197433c9 user: offray tags: trunk | |
13:43 | Agregada captura de pantalla check-in: a3b55e37e9 user: offray tags: trunk | |
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17:44 | Reformateo check-in: 3ba6fecc76 user: offray tags: trunk | |
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23:19 | Nostr: starting identities dictionary. check-in: be0e6b0a3b user: offray tags: trunk | |
23:05 | Nostr: Removing custom website. For the moment, we are going to use web links. check-in: fa1a0dd667 user: offray tags: trunk | |
23:03 | NOSTR: inicia narrativa. check-in: ae857f9525 user: offray tags: trunk | |
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11:27 | Instalación actualizada check-in: 5f4e2eb840 user: offray tags: trunk | |
06:15 | Instalación actualizada check-in: a5ba11d8e8 user: offray tags: trunk | |
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01:59 | Arreglando extensión del archivo. check-in: c217ccac61 user: offray tags: trunk | |
01:46 | Markdeep Extended check-in: 1daa732b9b user: offray tags: trunk | |
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06:54 | Grafoscopio: actualización en directorios reubicables. check-in: ed737e21c6 user: offray tags: trunk | |
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23:34 | Depuración de instalación. Leaf check-in: f3f9b44c4f user: offray tags: experimental | |
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18:52 | Nitter: Inicia documentación de instancias #PaisajismosDeLaExtinsión. check-in: 5471e69956 user: offray tags: experimental | |
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23:13 | #PaisajismosDeLaExtinsion: Nitter. check-in: 5f1612447b user: offray tags: experimental | |
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02:30 | Socialmetrica: corrigiendo narrativa. check-in: 5f1b5c4e50 user: ruidajo tags: trunk | |
02:05 | Socialmetrica: Actualizando enlaces narrativa. check-in: edaf9b82e2 user: ruidajo tags: trunk | |
01:59 | Socialmetrica: Actualizando narrativa de datos. check-in: 1b698c11d5 user: ruidajo tags: trunk | |
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17:31 | Starting templates documentation check-in: e3318e0be1 user: offray tags: experimental | |
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20:09 | Initial documentation of support for Mustache templating (still to be tested further). check-in: 4fc5d0e55c user: offray tags: experimental | |
13:04 | Default color for annotations (See also MiniDocsSourceRepo:14160ee4ca). check-in: 0ad9ff9921 user: offray tags: experimental | |
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16:36 | Pointing to the config file in the repository check-in: db8e5aa01c user: offray tags: experimental | |
16:32 | Pointing to the config file in the repository check-in: 8f3ea325e4 user: offray tags: experimental | |
16:26 | Leibniz: publishing configuration file and finishing color configuration. check-in: 37bfd2f92d user: offray tags: experimental | |
13:57 | Leibniz and MiniDocs. check-in: cf975137df user: offray tags: experimental | |
01:26 | Leibniz: minor check-in: 5a9fac3c78 user: offray tags: experimental | |
01:18 | Leibniz: testing blue color for all annotations and Unicode em space (8195 in UTF-8) for non-conflicting visual identation. check-in: 295c9a9aeb user: offray tags: experimental | |
01:18 | Leibniz: testing blue color for all annotations and Unicode em space (8195 in UTF-8) for non-conflicting visual identation. check-in: 908c885510 user: offray tags: experimental | |
01:01 | Leibniz: testing Julia Mono font ligatures (contextual ligature seems disabled). check-in: c97085f9ba user: offray tags: experimental | |
00:38 | Leibniz: testing manual annotation colors. check-in: 782a22df60 user: offray tags: experimental | |
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14:20 | Testing semantic line breaks. check-in: 5f0e7d01a5 user: offray tags: experimental | |
14:09 | Leibniz: custom annotations thanks to check-in: af1031adea user: offray tags: experimental | |
01:26 | Testing Leibniz operators as spans in Markdeep. check-in: 26a0b9b6d6 user: offray tags: experimental | |