**PetitParser: Building Modular Parsers**
> "Esta es la migración a libretas interactivas y notas de lectura del capítulo homónimo del exelente libro [Deep Into Pharo](http://files.pharo.org/books-pdfs/deep-into-pharo/2013-DeepIntoPharo-EN.pdf).
> Las tomo para iniciar de una vez la introducción a los *parsers*, que he venido necesitando y aplazando largamente."
> -- Offray Luna
> Para esta introducción transcribiré los contenidos de la edición de *Building Modular Parsers*
> desde el PDF (publicado en 2013) hacia libretas de Lepiter y las republicaré usando {{MiniDocs}}.
> Cuando hayan comentarios míos, los colocaré con estas marcas, para distinguirlas de la voz de los autores.
> Aunque, por supuesto, estas están en inglés y las mías en español,
> lo cual ayuda a diferenciarlas sin necesidad de otras marcas, pero puede que, a futuro,
> haya otra versión actualizada en español.
with the participation of:
**Jan Kurs** (kurs@iam.unibe.ch)
**Guillaume Larcheveque** (guillaume.larcheveque@gmail.com)
**Lukas Renggli** (renggli@gmail.com)
Building parsers to analyze and transform data is a common task in software development.
In this chapter we present a powerful parser framework called PetitParser.
PetitParser combines many ideas from various parsing technologies to model grammars and parsers as objects that can be reconfigured dynamically.
PetitParser was written by Lukas Renggli as part of his work on the Helvetia system[^helvetia] but it can be used as a standalone library
[^helvetia]: https://scg.unibe.ch/research/helvetia
# Writing parsers with PetitParser
PetitParser is a parsing framework different from many other popular parser generators.
PetitParser makes it easy to define parsers with Smalltalk code and to dynamically reuse, compose, transform and extend grammars.
We can reflect on the resulting grammars and modify them on-the-fly.
As such PetitParser fits better the dynamic nature of Smalltalk.
Furthermore, PetitParser is not based on tables such as SmaCC and ANTLR.
Instead it uses a combination of four alternative parser methodologies:
scannerless parsers, parser combinators, parsing expression grammars
and packrat parsers.
As such PetitParser is more powerful in what it can parse.
Let’s have a quick look at these four parser methodologies:
**Scannerless Parsers** combine what is usually done by two independent tools (scanner and parser) into one.
This makes writing a grammar much simpler and avoids common problems when grammars are composed.
**Parser Combinators** are building blocks for parsers modeled as a graph of composable objects;
they are modular and maintainable, and can be changed, recomposed, transformed and reflected upon.
**Parsing Expression Grammars** (PEGs) provide the notion of ordered choices.
Unlike parser combinators, the ordered choice of PEGs always follows the first matching alternative and ignores other alternatives.
Valid input always results in exactly one parse-tree, the result of a parse is never ambiguous.
**Packrat Parsers** give linear parse-time guarantees and avoid common problems with left-recursion in PEGs.
## Loading PetitParser
Enough talking, let’s get started. PetitParser is developed in Pharo, and there are also versions for Java and Dart available.
A ready made image can be downloaded[^moose-job].
To load PetitParser into an existing image evaluate the following Gofer expression:
[^moose-job]: https://ci.inria.fr/moose/job/petitparser/
More information on how to get PetitParser can be found on the chapter
about petit parser in the Moose book[^moose-book].
[^moose-book]: http://www.themoosebook.org/book/internals/petit-parser
## Writing a simple grammar
Writing grammars with PetitParser is as simple as writing Smalltalk code.
For example, to define a grammar that parses identifiers starting with a letter
followed by zero or more letters or digits is defined and used as follows:
![[Figure 18.1]: Syntax diagram representation for the identifier parser definedin script 18.2](https://i.imgur.com/TIkotKp.png)
## A graphical notation
Figure 18.1 presents a syntax diagram of the identifier parser.
Each box represents a parser.
The arrows between the boxes represent the flow in which input is consumed.
The rounded boxes are elementary parsers (terminals).
The squared boxes (not shown on this figure) are parsers composed of other parsers (non terminals).
If you inspect the object identifier of the previous script,
you’ll notice that it is an instance of a PPSequenceParser.
If you dive further into the object you will notice the following tree of different parser objects:
PPSequenceParser (accepts a sequence of parsers)
PPPredicateObjectParser (accepts a single letter)
PPPossessiveRepeatingParser (accepts zero or more instances of another parser)
PPPredicateObjectParser (accepts a single word character)
The root parser is a sequence parser because the , (comma) operator creates a sequence of (1) a letter parser and (2) zero or more word character parser.
The root parser first child is a predicate object parser created by the `#letter asParser` expression.
This parser is capable of parsing a single letter as defined by the `Character»isLetter` method.
The second child is a repeating parser created by the star call.
This parser uses its child parser (another predicate object parser) as much as possible on the input (i.e., it is a greedy parser).
Its child parser is a predicate object parser created by the `#word asParser` expression.
This parser is capable of parsing a single digit or letter as defined by the `Character»isDigit` and `Character»isLetter` methods.
## Parsing some input
To actually parse a string (or stream) we use the method `PPParser»parse:` as
While it seems odd to get these nested arrays with characters as a return value,
this is the default decomposition of the input into a parse tree.
We’ll see in a while how that can be customized.
If we try to parse something invalid we get an instance of `PPFailure` as an answer:
This parsing results in a failure because the first character (1) is not a letter.
Instances of `PPFailure` are the only objects in the system that answer with true when you send the message `#isPetitFailure`.
Alternatively you can also use `PPParser»parse:onError:` to throw an exception in case of an error:
If you are only interested if a given string (or stream) matches or not you can use the following constructs:
The last result can be surprising:
indeed, a parenthesis is neither a digit nor a letter as was specified by the `#word asParser` expression.
In fact,
the identifier parser matches “foo” and this is enough for the `PPParser»matches:` call to return true.
The result would be similar with the use of `parse:` which would return `#($f #($o $o))`.
If you want to be sure that the complete input is matched, use the message `PPParser»end` as follows:
The `PPParser»end` message creates a new parser that matches the end of input.
To be able to compose parsers easily, it is important that parsers do not match the end of input by default.
Because of this,
you might be interested to find all the places that a parser can match using the message `PPParser» matchesSkipIn:` and `PPParser»matchesIn:` .
The `PPParser»matchesSkipIn:` method returns a collection of arrays containing what has been matched.
This function avoids parsing the same character twice.
The method `PPParser»matchesIn:` does a similar job but returns a collection with all possible sub-parsed elements:
*e.g.*, evaluating `identifier matchesIn: 'foo 123 bar12'` returns a collection of 6 elements.
to find all the matching ranges (index of first character and index of last character) in the given input one can use either `PPParser»matchingSkipRangesIn:` or `PPParser»matchingRangesIn:` as shown by the script below:
## Different kinds of parsers
PetitParser provide a large set of ready-made parser that you can compose to consume and transform arbitrarily complex languages.
The terminal parsers are the most simple ones.
We’ve already seen a few of those, some more are defined in the protocol Table 18.1.
The class side of `PPPredicateObjectParser` provides a lot of other factory methods that can be used to build more complex terminal parsers.
To use them,
send the message `PPParser»asParser` to a symbol containing the name of the factory method (such as `#punctuation asParser`).
The next set of parsers are used to combine other parsers together and is defined in the protocol Table 18.2.
Terminal Parsers | Description
`$a asParser` | Parses the character `$a`.
`'abc' asParser` | Parses the string `'abc'`.
`#any asParser`| Parses any character.
`#digit asParser` | Parses one digit (0..9).
`#letter asParser` | Parses one letter (a..z and A..Z).
`#word asParser` | Parses a digit or letter.
`#blank asParser` | Parses a space or a tabulation.
`#newline asParser` | Parses the carriage return or line feed characters.
`#space asParser` | Parses any white space character including new line.
`#tab asParser` | Parses a tab character.
`#lowercase asParser` | Parses a lowercase character.
`#uppercase asParser` | Parses an uppercase character.
`nil asParser`| Parses nothing.
Table 18.1: PetitParser pre-defines a multitude of terminal parsers
Parser Combinators | Description
`p1 , p2` | Parses `p1` followed by a `p2` (sequence).
`p1 / p2` | Parses `p1`, if that doesn’t work parses `p2`.
`p star` | Parses zero or more `p`.
`p plus` | Parses one or more `p`.
`p optional` | Parses `p` if possible.
`p and` | Parses `p` but does not consume its input.
`p negate` | Parses `p` and succeeds when `p` fails.
`p not` | Parses `p` and succeeds when `p` fails, but does not consume its input.
`p end` | Parses `p` and succeeds only at the end of the input.
`p times: n` | Parses `p` exactly `n` times.
`p min: n max: m` | Parses `p` at least `n` times up to `m` times.
`p starLazy: q` | Like `star` but stop consumming when `q` succeeds
Table 18.2: PetitParser pre-defines a multitude of parser combinators
As a simple example of parser combination, the following definition of the `identifier2` parser is equivalent to our previous definition of `identifier`:
![Figure 18.2: Syntax diagram representation for the identifier2 parser definedin script 18.10](https://i.imgur.com/cAinJzH.png)
## Parser action
To define an action or transformation on a parser we can use one of the messages `PPParser»==>`, `PPParser»flatten`, `PPParser»token` and `PPParser»trim` defined in the protocol Table 18.3.
Action Parsers | Description
`p flatten` | Creates a string from the result of `p`.
`p token` |Similar to flatten but returns a `PPToken` with details.
`p trim` | Trims white spaces before and after `p`.
`p trim: trimParser` | Trims whatever `trimParser` can parse (*e.g.*, comments).
`p ==> aBlock` | Performs the transformation given in `aBlock`.
Table 18.3: PetitParser pre-defines a multitude of action parsers
To return a string of the parsed identifier instead of getting an array of matched elements,
configure the parser by sending it the message `PPParser»flatten`.
The message `PPParser»token` is similar to flatten but returns a `PPToken` that provide much more contextual information
like the collection where the token was located and its position in the collection.
Sending the message `PPParser»trim` configures the parser to ignore white spaces at the beginning and end of the parsed result.
In the following, using the first parser on the input leads to an error because the parser does not
accept the spaces.
With the second parser, spaces are ignored and removed from the result.
![Figure 18.3: Syntax diagram representation for the number parser defined inscript 18.14](https://i.imgur.com/o7D5kYT.png)
Sending the message trim is equivalent to calling `PPParser»trim:` with `#space asParser` as a parameter.
That means `trim:` can be useful to ignore other data from the input, source code comments for example:
The message `PPParser»==>` lets you specify a block to be executed when the parser matches an input.
The next section presents several examples.
Here is a simple way to get a number from its string representation.
The table 18.3 shows the basic elements to build parsers.
There are a few more well documented and tested factory methods in the operators protocols of PPParser.
If you want to know more about these factory methods, browse these protocols.
An interesting one is `separatedBy:` which answers a new parser that parses the input one or more times,
with separations specified by another parser.
## Writing a more complicated grammar
We now write a more complicated grammar for evaluating simple arithmetic
With the grammar for a number (actually an integer) defined above,
the next step is to define the productions for addition and multiplication in order of precedence. Note that we instantiate the productions as `PPDelegateParser` upfront, because they recursively refer to each other.
The method `#setParser:` then resolves this recursion.
The following script defines three parsers for the addition,
multiplication and parenthesis (see Figure 18.4 for the related syntax diagram):
The term parser is defined as being either (1) a prod followed by ‘+’, followed by another term or (2) a prod.
In case (1),
an action block asks the parser to compute the arithmetic addition of the value of the first node (a prod) and the last node (a term).
The prod parser is similar to the term parser.
The prim parser is interesting in that it accepts left and right parenthesis before and after a term and has an action block that simply ignores them.
To understand the precedence of productions, see Figure 18.5.
The root of the tree in this figure (term), is the production that is tried first.
A `term` is either a `+` or a prod.
The term production comes first because `+` as the lowest priority in mathematics.
To make sure that our parser consumes all input we wrap it with the `end` parser into the `start` production:
That’s it, we can now test our parser:
![Figure 18.4: Syntax diagram representation for the term, prod, and primparsers defined in script 18.15](https://i.imgur.com/HDpsrOe.png)
![Figure 18.5: Explains how to understand the precedence of productions. An expression is a term which is either a sum or a production.
It is necessary to recognize sums first as they have the lowest priority. A production is either a multiplication or a primitive.
A primitive is either a parenthesised expression or a number.](https://i.imgur.com/nw41K48.png)
# Composite grammars with PetitParser
In the previous section we saw the basic principles of PetitParser and gave some introductory examples.
In this section we are going to present a way to define more complicated grammars.
We continue where we left off with the arithmetic expression grammar.
Writing parsers as a script as we did previously can be cumbersome,
especially when grammar productions are mutually recursive and refer to each other in complicated ways.
Furthermore a grammar specified in a single script makes it unnecessary hard to reuse specific parts of that grammar.
Luckily there is `PPCompositeParser` to the rescue.
## Defining the grammar
As an example
let’s create a composite parser using the same expression grammar we built in the last section
but this time we define it inside a class subclass of `PPCompositeParser`.
Again we start with the grammar for an integer number.
Define the method `number` as follows:
~~~ Smalltalk
^ #digit asParser plus flatten trim ==> [ :str | str asNumber ]
Every production in `ExpressionGrammar` is specified as a method that returns its parser.
Similarly, we define the productions `term`, `prod`, `mul`, and `prim`.
Productions refer to each other by reading the respective instance variable of the same name
and PetitParser takes care of initializing these instance variables for you automatically.
We let Pharo automatically add the necessary instance variables as we refer to them for the first time. We obtain the following class definition:
~~~ Smalltalk
^ add / prod
^ prod , $+ asParser trim , term
^ mul / prim
^ prim , $* asParser trim , prod
^ parens / number
^ $( asParser trim , term , $) asParser trim
Contrary to our previous implementation we do not define the production actions yet (what we previously did by using `PPParser»==>`);
and we factor out the parts for addition (`add`), multiplication (`mul`), and parenthesis (`parens`) into separate productions.
This will give us better reusability later on.
For example, a subclass may override such methods to produce slightly different production output.
Usually, production methods are categorized in a protocol named `grammar`
(which can be refined into more specific protocol names when necessary such as `grammar-literals`).
Last but not least we define the starting point of the expression grammar.
This is done by overriding `PPCompositeParser»start` in the `ExpressionGrammar` class:
~~~ Smalltalk
^ term end
Instantiating the `ExpressionGrammar` gives us an expression parser that returns a default abstract-syntax tree:
## Writing dependent grammars
You can easily reuse parsers defined by other grammars.
For example,
imagine you want to create a new grammar that reuses the definition of number in the `ExpressionGrammar` we have just defined.
For this, you have to declare a dependency to `ExpressionGrammar`:
~~~ Smalltalk
PPCompositeParser subclass: #MyNewGrammar
instanceVariableNames: 'number'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'PetitTutorial'
MyNewGrammar class>>dependencies
"Answer a collection of PPCompositeParser classes that this parser directly dependends on."
^ {ExpressionGrammar}
"Answer the same parser as ExpressionGrammar>>number."
^ (self dependencyAt: ExpressionGrammar) number
## Defining an evaluator
Now that we have defined a grammar we can reuse this definition to implement an evaluator.
To do this we create a subclass of `ExpressionGrammar` called `ExpressionEvaluator`.
We then redefine the implementation of `add`, `mul` and `parens` with our evaluation semantics.
This is accomplished by calling the super implementation
and adapting the returned parser as shown in the following methods.
~~~ Smalltalk
^ super add ==> [ :nodes | nodes first + nodes last ]
^ super mul ==> [ :nodes | nodes first * nodes last ]
^ super parens ==> [ :nodes | nodes second ]
The evaluator is now ready to be tested:
The evaluator is now ready to be tested:
## Defining a Pretty-Printer
We can reuse the grammar for example to define a simple pretty printer.
This is as easy as subclassing ExpressionGrammar again!
~~~ Smalltalk
ExpressionGrammar subclass: #ExpressionPrinter
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'PetitTutorial'
^ super add ==> [:nodes | nodes first , ' + ' , nodes third]
^ super mul ==> [:nodes | nodes first , ' * ' , nodes third]
^ super number ==> [:num | num printString]
^ super parens ==> [:node | '(' , node second , ')']
This pretty printer can be tried out as shown by the following expressions.
## Easy expressions with `PPExpressionParser`
PetitParser proposes a powerful tool to create expressions;
`PPExpressionParser` is a parser to conveniently define an expression grammar with prefix, postfix, and left- and right-associative infix operators.
The operator-groups are defined in descending precedence.
How do you decide when to create a subclass of `PPCompositeParser` or instantiate `PPExpressionParser`?
On the one hand,
you should instantiate a `PPExpressionParser` if you want to do a small parser for a small task. On the other hand,
if you have a grammar that’s composed of many parsers, you should subclass `PPCompositeParser`.
# Testing a grammar
The PetitParser contains a framework dedicated to testing your grammars.
Testing a grammar is done by subclassing PPCompositeParserTest as follows:
It is then important that the test case class references the parser class:
this is done by overriding the `PPCompositeParserTest»parserClass` method in `ExpressionGrammarTest`:
~~~ Smalltalk
^ ExpressionGrammar
Writing a test scenario is done by implementing new methods in `ExpressionGrammarTest`:
~~~ Smalltalk
self parse: '123 ' rule: #number.
self parse: '123+77' rule: #add
These tests ensure that the `ExpressionGrammar` parser can parse some expressions using a specified production rule.
Testing the evaluator and pretty printer is similarly easy:
~~~ Smalltalk
ExpressionGrammarTest subclass: #ExpressionEvaluatorTest
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'PetitTutorial'
^ ExpressionEvaluator
super testAdd.
self assert: result equals: 200
super testNumber.
self assert: result equals: 123
ExpressionGrammarTest subclass: #ExpressionPrinterTest
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'PetitTutorial'
^ ExpressionPrinter
super testAdd.
self assert: result equals: '123 + 77'
super testNumber.
self assert: result equals: '123'
# Case Study: A JSON Parser
In this section we illustrate PetitParser through the development of a JSON parser.
JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format defined in http://www.json.org.
We are going to use the specification on this website to define our own JSON parser.
JSON is a simple format based on nested pairs and arrays.
The following script gives an example taken from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON
``` json
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"isAlive": true,
"age": 27,
"address": {
"streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"postalCode": "10021-3100"
"phoneNumbers": [
"type": "home",
"number": "212 555-1234"
"type": "office",
"number": "646 555-4567"
"children": [
"spouse": null
JSON consists of object definitions (between curly braces “{}”) and arrays (between square brackets “[]”).
An object definition is a set of key/value pairs whereas an array is a list of values.
The previous JSON example then represents an object (a person) with several key/value pairs (e.g., for the person’s first name, last name, and age).
The address of the person is represented by another object while the phone number is represented by an array of objects.
First we define a grammar as subclass of `PPCompositeParser`.
Let us call it `PPJsonGrammar`
We define the `CharacterTable` class variable since we will later use it to parse strings.
## Parsing objects and arrays
![Figure 18.6: Syntax diagram representation for the JSON object parser defined in script 18.37](https://i.imgur.com/iiEChUE.png)
The syntax diagrams for JSON objects and arrays are in Figure 18.6 and Figure 18.7.
A PetitParser can be defined for JSON objects with the following code:
~~~ smalltalk
^ ${ asParser token trim , members optional , $} asParser token trim
^ pair separatedBy: $, asParser token trim
^ stringToken , $: asParser token trim , value
The only new thing here is the call to the `PPParser»separatedBy:` convenience method,
which answers a new parser that parses the receiver (a value here) one or more times,
separated by its parameter parser (a comma here).
Arrays are much simpler to parse as depicted in the script 18.38.
![Figure 18.7: Syntax diagram representation for the JSON array parser defined in script 18.38](https://i.imgur.com/IiPVHOU.png)
~~~ Smalltalk
^ $[ asParser token trim ,
elements optional ,
$] asParser token trim
^ value separatedBy: $, asParser token trim
## Parsing values
In JSON, a value is either a string, a number, an object, an array, a Boolean (true or false), or null.
The value parser is defined as below and represented in Figure 18.8:
~~~ Smalltalk
^ stringToken / numberToken / object / array /
trueToken / falseToken / nullToken
![Figure 18.8: Syntax diagram representation for the JSON value parser defined in script 18.39](https://i.imgur.com/U7OJjpc.png)
A string requires quite some work to parse.
A string starts and end with double-quotes.
What is inside these double-quotes is a sequence of characters.
Any character can either be an escape character, an octal character, or a normal character.
An escape character is composed of a backslash immediately followed by a special character (e.g., '\n' to get a new line in the string).
An octal character is composed of a backslash, immediately followed by the letter 'u', immediately followed by 4 hexadecimal digits.
Finally, a normal character is any character except a double quote (used to end the string) and
a backslash (used to introduce an escape character).
~~~ Smalltalk
^ string token trim
^ $" asParser , char star , $" asParser
^ charEscape / charOctal / charNormal
^ $\ asParser , (PPPredicateObjectParser anyOf: (String withAll: CharacterTable keys))
^ '\u' asParser , (#hex asParser min: 4 max: 4)
^ PPPredicateObjectParser anyExceptAnyOf: '\"'
Special characters allowed after a slash and their meanings are defined in the `CharacterTable` dictionary that we initialize in the `initialize` class method.
Please note that initialize method on a class side is called when the class is loaded into the system.
If you just created the initialize method class was loaded without the method.
To execute it, you shoud evaluate `PPJsonGrammar initialize` in your workspace.
![Figure 18.9: Syntax diagram representation for the JSON string parser
defined in script 18.40](https://i.imgur.com/4cFC3kb.png)
~~~ Smalltalk
PPJsonGrammar class>>initialize
CharacterTable := Dictionary new.
at: $\ put: $\;
at: $/ put: $/;
at: $" put: $";
at: $b put: Character backspace;
at: $f put: Character newPage;
at: $n put: Character lf;
at: $r put: Character cr;
at: $t put: Character tab
Parsing numbers is only slightly simpler as a number can be positive or negative and integral or decimal.
Additionally, a decimal number can be expressed with a floating number syntax.
![Figure 18.10: Syntax diagram representation for the JSON number parser
defined in script 18.42](https://i.imgur.com/BqAIryQ.png)
~~~ Smalltalk
^ number token trim
^ $- asParser optional ,
($0 asParser / #digit asParser plus) ,
($. asParser , #digit asParser plus) optional ,
(($e asParser / $E asParser) , ($- asParser / $+ asParser) optional , #digit asParser plus) optional
The attentive reader will have noticed a small difference between the syntax diagram in Figure 18.10 and the code in script 18.42.
Numbers in JSON can not contain leading zeros: i.e., strings such as "01" do not represent valid
The syntax diagram makes that particularly explicit by allowing either a 0 or a digit between 1 and 9. In the above code, the rule is made implicit by relying on the fact that the parser combinator `$/` is ordered:
the parser on the right of $/ is only tried if the parser on the left fails:
thus, `($0 asParser / #digit asParser plus)` defines numbers as being just a 0 or a sequence of digits not starting with 0.
The other parsers are fairly trivial:
~~~ Smalltalk
^ 'false' asParser token trim
^ 'null' asParser token trim
^ 'true' asParser token trim
The only piece missing is the `start` parser.
~~~ Smalltalk
^ value end
# PetitParser Browser
PetitParser is shipped with a powerful browser that can help to develop complex parsers.
The PetitParser Browser provides graphical visualization,
debugging support, refactoring support, and some other features discussed later in this chapter.
You will see that these features could be very useful while developing your own parser.
Pay attention to have Glamour already loaded in your system.
To load Glamour, see 10. Then to open the PetitParser 1simply evaluate this expression:
~~~ Smalltalk
PPBrowser open
![Figure 18.11: PetitParser Browser window.
## PetitParser Browser overview
In Figure 18.11 you can see the `PPBrowser` window.
The left panel, named Parsers, contains the list of all parsers in the system.
You can see `ExpressionGrammar` and its subclasses as well as the `PPJsonGrammar` that we defined earlier in this chapter.
Selecting one of the parsers in this pane activates the upper-right side of the browser.
For each rule of the selected parser (e.g., `prim`) you can see 5 tabs related to the rule.
: shows the source code of the rule. The code can be updated and
saved in this window. Moreover, you can add a new rule simply by
defining the new method name and body.
: shows the graphical representation of the rule. It is updated as the
rule source is changed. You can see the prim visual representation in Figure 18.12.
![Figure 18.12: Graph visualization of the `prim` rule.
: shows an automatically generated example based on the definition of the rule (see Figure 18.13 for an example for the `prim` rule).
In the top-right corner, the reload button generates a new example for the same rule
(see Figure 18.14 for another automatically generated example of the `prim` rule, this time with a parenthesized expression).
![Figure 18.13: An automatically generated example of the `prim` rule.
In this case, the `prim` example is a number.](https://i.imgur.com/WHozMmi.png)
![Figure 18.14: Another automatically generated example of the prim rule,
after having clicked the reload button.
In this case, the prim example is a parenthesized expression.](https://i.imgur.com/B0AG1FB.png)
: shows set of terminal parsers that can be activated directly after the rule started.
As you can see on Figure 18.15, the first set of `prim` is either digit or opening parenthesis '('.
This means that once you start parsing `prim` the input should continue with either digit or '('.
One can use first set to double-check that the grammar is specified correctly.
For example, if you see '+' in the first set of `prim`, there is something wrong with the definitions,
because the `prim` rule was never ment to start with binary operator.
Terminal parser is a parser that does not delegate to any other parser.
Therefore you don’t see parens in prim first set because parens delegates to another parsers – trimming and sequence parsers (see script 18.46).
You can see '(' which is first set of parens.
The same states for number rule which creates action parser delegating to trimming parser delegating to flattening parser delegating to repeating parser delegating to `#digit` parser (see script 18.46).
The #digit parser is terminal parser and therefore you can see ’digit expected’ in a first set.
In general, computation of first set could be complex and therefore `PPBrowser` computes this information for us.
![Figure 18.15: The first set of the `prim` rule.
^ parens / number
^ $( asParser trim, term, $} asParser trim
^ #digit asParser plus flatten trim ==> [:str | str asNumber ]
[Script 18.46: `prim` rule in `ExpressionGrammar`]
: shows set of terminal parsers that can be activated directly after the rule finished.
As you can see on Figure 18.16, the follow set of `prim` is closing bracket character parser ')',
star character parser '`*`', plus character parser '+' or epsilon parser (which states for empty string).
In other words,
once you finished parsing prim rule the input should continue with one of ')', '`*`', '`+`' characters or the input should be completely consumed.
![Figure 18.16: The follow set of the `prim` rule.
The lower-right side of the browser is related to a particular parsing input.
You can specify an input sample by filling in the text area in the Sample tab.
One may parse the input sample by clicking the play 🢒 button or by pressing Cmd-s or Ctrl-s.
You can then gain some insight on the parse result by inspecting the tabs on the bottom-right pane:
: shows the result of parsing the input sample that can be inspected by clicking either the `Inspect` or `Explore` buttons.
Figure Figure 18.17 shows the result of parsing `(1+2)`.
![Figure 18.17: Result of parsing the `(1+2)` sample expression
: shows a tree view of the steps that were performed during parsing.
This is very useful if you don’t know what exactly is happening during parsing.
By selecting the step the subset of input is highlighted, so you can see which part of input was parsed by a particular step.
For example, you can inspect how the `ExpressionGrammar` works, what rules are called and in which order.
This is depicted in Figure 18.18.
The grey rules are rules that failed.
This usually happens for choice parsers and you can see an example for the prod rule (the definition is in script 18.47).
When parser was parsing `12 + 3 ∗ 4` term, the parser tried to parse mul rule as a first option in `prod`.
But `mul` required star character '`*`' at position 2 which is not present, so that the mul failed and instead the `prim` with value 12 was parsed.
^ mul / prim
^ prim, $* asParser trim, prod
[Script 18.47: `prod` rule in `ExpressionGrammar`]
Compare what happens during parsing when we change from `12+3∗4` to `12 ∗ 3 ∗ 4`.
What rules are applied know, which of them fails?
The second debugger output is in Figure 18.19, but give it your own try.
![Figure 18.18: Debugger output of ExpressionGrammar for input `12 + 3 ∗ 4`.
![Figure 18.19: Debugger output of ExpressionGrammar for input `12 * 3 * 4`
: shows how many times a particular parser got called during the parsing.
The percentage shows the number of calls to total number of calls ratio.
This might be useful while optimizing performance of your parser (see Figure 18.20).
![Figure 18.20: Tally of `ExpressionGrammar` for input `12 * 3 * 4`.
: shows how much time was spent in particular parser during parsing of the input.
The percentage shows the ratio of time to total time.
This might be useful while optimizing performance of your parser (see Figure 18.21).
![Figure 18.21: Profile of ExpressionGrammar for input `12 * 3 * 4`.
: visually shows how a parser consumes input.
The x-axis represents how many characters were read in the input sample,
ranging from 0 (left margin) to the number of characters in the input (right margin).
The y-axis represents time, ranging from the beginning of the parsing process (top margin) to its end (bottom margin).
A line going from top-left to bottom-right (such as the one in Figure 18.22) shows
that the parser completed its task by only reading each character of the input sample once.
This is the best case scenario, parsing is linear in the length of the input:
In another words, input of *n* characters is parsed in *n* steps.
![Figure 18.22: Progress of Petit Parser that parses input in linear amount of steps.
When multiple lines are visible,
it means that the parser had to go back to a previously read character in the input sample to try a different rule.
This can be seen in Figure 18.23.
In this example, the parser had to go back several times to correctly parse the whole input sample:
all input was parsed in *n!* steps which is very bad.
If you see many backward jumps for a grammar,
you should reconsider the order of choice parsers,
restructure your grammar or use a memoized parser.
We will have a detailed look on a backtracking issue in the following section.
![Figure 18.22: Progress of Petit Parser that parses input in linear amount of steps
![Figure 18.23: Progress of Petit Parser with a lot of backtracking
## Debugging example
As an exercise, we will try to improve a `BacktrackingParser` from script 18.48.
The `BacktrackingParser` was designed to accept input corresponding to the regular expressions '`a*b`' and '`a*c`'.
The parser gives us correct results, but there is a problem with performance.
The `BacktrackingParser` does too much backtracking.
~~~ Smalltalk
PPCompositeParser subclass: #BacktrackingParser
instanceVariableNames: 'ab ap c p'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'PetitTutorial'
^ 'b' asParser /
('a' asParser, ab)
^ 'c' asParser
^ ab / ap / c
^ p
^ 'a' asParser, p
[Script 18.48: A parser accepting '`a*b`' and '`a*c`' with too much backtracking]
Let us get some overview to better understand, what is happening.
First of all, try to parse *inputb *= 'aaaaaaaaab' and *inputc *= 'aaaaaaaaac'.
As we can see from progress depicted in Figure 18.24, the *inputb* is parsed in more or
less linear time and there is no backtracking.
But the progress depicted in Figure 18.25 looks bad.
The *inputc * is parsed with a lot of backtracking and in much more time.
We can even compare the tally output for both inputs *inputb* and *inputc* (see Figure 18.26 and Figure 18.27).
In case of *inputb*, the total invocation count of the parser b is 19 and invocation count of the parser a is 9.
It is much less than 110 invocations for the parser b and 55 invocations for the parser a in case of *inputc*.
![Figure 18.24: Progress of the `BacktrackingParser` for _inputb_.](https://i.imgur.com/AdMDLli.png)
![Figure 18.25: Progress of the `BacktrackingParser` for _inputc_.](https://i.imgur.com/JwSVE9L.png)
![Figure 18.26: Tally output of the `BacktrackingParser` for *inputb*.](https://i.imgur.com/K4dHfcv.png)
![Figure 18.27: Tally output of the `BacktrackingParser` for _inputc_.](https://i.imgur.com/SJU6uY6.png)
We can see there is some problem with *inputc*.
If we still don’t know what is the problem, the debugger window might give us more hints.
Let us have a look at the debugger window for *inputb* as depicted in Figure 18.28.
We can see that in each step, one '`a`' is consumed and the parser ab is invoked until it
reaches the '`b`'.
The debugger window for *inputc* as depicted in Figure 18.29 looks much different.
There is a progress within the `p -> ab -> ap -> p` loop but the parser `ab` fails in each repetition of the loop.
Since the parser `ab` fails after having read all the string to the end and seen '`c`' instead of '`b`', we have
localized the cause of the backtracking.
We know the problem now, so what can we do?
We may try to update `BacktrackingParser` so that the '`a*c`' strings are parsed in a similar way as the '`a*b`' strings.
You can see such a modification in script 18.49.
![Figure 18.28: Debugging output of `BacktrackingParser` for _inputb.](https://i.imgur.com/9Nk5cws.png)
![Figure 18.29: Debugging output of `BacktrackingParser` for _inputc.](https://i.imgur.com/pDdx0th.png)
~~~ Smalltalk
PPCompositeParser subclass: #BacktrackingParser
instanceVariableNames: 'ab ac'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'PetitTutorial'
^ 'b' asParser /
('a' asParser, ab)
^ 'c' asParser /
('a' asParser, ac)
^ ab / ac
[Script 18.49: A slightly better parser accepting '`a*b`' and '`a*c`'.]
We can check the new metrics for *inputc* in both Figure 18.30 and Figure 18.31.
There is significant improvement.
For *inputc*, the tally shows only 20 invocations of the parser `b` and 9 invocations of the parser `a`.
This is very good improvement compared to the 110 invocations of the parser `b` and 55 invocations of the parser `a` in the original version of `BacktrackingParser` (see Figure 18.27).
Yet, we might try to do even better.
There is still one backtracking happening for *inputc*.
It happens when the parser `ab` tries to recognize the '`a*b`' input and fails (and backtracks) so that the parser ac can recognize the '`a*c`' input.
What if we try to consume all the '`a`'s and then we choose between '`b`' and '`c`' at the very end?
You can see such a modification of the `BacktrackingParser` in script 18.50.
In that case, we can see the progress without any backtracking even for *inputc* as depicted in Figure 18.32.
![Figure 18.32: Progress of the BacktrackingParser after the second update for *inputc*.](https://i.imgur.com/5PecPyn.png)
![Figure 18.33: Tally of the BacktrackingParser after the second update for inputc.](https://i.imgur.com/y5Ia4Op.png)
~~~ Smaltalk
PPCompositeParser subclass: #BacktrackingParser
instanceVariableNames: 'abc'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'PetitTutorial'
^ ('b' asParser / 'c' asParser) /
('a' asParser, abc)
^ abc
[Script 18.50: An even better parser accepting '`a*b`' and '`a*c`'.]
On the other hand, the number of parser invocations for *inputb* increased
by 18
(the Table 18.4 summarizes the total number of invocations for each version of the `BacktrackingParser`).
It is up to the developer to decide which grammar is more suitable for his needs.
It is better to use the second improved version in case '`a*b`' and '`a*c`' occur with the same probability in the input.
If we expect more 'a*b' strings in the input, the first version is better.
Version | *inputb * | *inputc *
Original | 28 | 233
First improvement | 28 | 70
Second improvement | 46 | 48
[Table 18.4: Number of parser invocations for inputb and inputc depending on the version of `BacktrackingParser`.]
# Packrat Parsers
In the beginning of the chapter, we have mentioned four parser methodologies, one of them was *Packrat Parsers*.
We claimed that packrat parsing gives linear parse times.
But in the debugging example we saw that original version of the `BacktrackingParser` parsed *inputc* of length 10 in 233 steps.
And if you try to parse long *inputc* = '`aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaac`' (length 20),
you will see that the original parser needs 969 steps.
Indeed, the progress is not linear.
The PetitParser framework does not use packrat parsing by default.
You need to send the `memoized` message to enable packrat parsing.
The memoized parser ensures that the parsing for the particular position in an input
and the particular parser will be performed only once and the result will be remembered in a dictionary for a future use.
The second time the parser wants to parse the input, the result will be looked up in the dictionary. This way, a lot of unnecessary parsing can be avoided.
The disadvantage is that PetitParser needs much more memory to remember all the results of all the
possible parsers at all the possible positions.
To give you an example with a packrat parser, let us return back to the
`BacktrackingParser` once again (see script 18.48).
As we have analyzed before,
the problem was in the parser `ab` that constantly failed in the `p -> ab -> ap -> p` loop.
Now we can do the trick and memoize the parser `ab` by updating the method ab as in script 18.51. When the memoization is applied,
we get the progress as in Figure 18.34 with the total number of 63 invocations for
*inputc* and the 129 invocations for long *inputc*.
With the minor modification of `BacktrackingParser` we got a linear parsing time
(related to the length of the input) with a factor around 6.
~~~ Smalltalk
^ ( 'b' asParser /
('a' asParser, ab)
) memoized
[Script 18.51: Memoized version of the parser `ab`.]
![Figure 18.34: Progress of the memoized version of the BacktrackingParser.
# Chapter summary
This concludes our tutorial of PetitParser. We have reviewed the following points:
* A parser is a composition of multiple smaller parsers combined with combinators.
* To parse a string, use the method `parse:`.
* To know if a string matches a grammar, use the method `matches:`.
* The method `flatten` returns a String from the result of the parsing.
* The method `==>` performs the transformation given in the block given in parameter.
* Compose parsers (and create a grammar) by subclassing `PPCompositeParser`.
* Test your parser by subclassing `PPCompositeParserTest`.
For a more extensive view of PetitParser, its concepts and implementation,
the Moose book[^moose-book] and Lukas Renggli’s PhD[^phd-petit] have both a dedicated chapter.
[^moose-book]: http://www.themoosebook.org/book/internals/petit-parser
[^phd-petit]: http://scg.unibe.ch/archive/phd/renggli-phd.pdf