
View Ticket
Ticket UUID: c3d7a790ffe8db411566764e44402d4b775eb056
Title: DNU in GrafoscopioNode>>#exportCodeBlockTo:
Status: Closed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2017-01-08 18:19:20
Version Found In: 245
User Comments:
krodelin added as text/x-fossil-plain on 2017-01-01 13:20:21:
Export of Workspaces fails because the returned Text instance does not understand #withInternetLineEndings. Adding #asString in the method (or extending Text with #withInternetLineEndings) solves the problem. This is the #asString change:

exportCodeBlockTo: aStream
	"I convert the content of a node taged as 'código' (code) as pandoc markdown and put it Into aStream.
	The code block is decorated with LaTeX commands for proper syntax highlighting using pygments.
	Pdf exportation requires the installation of pygments and minted package for latex"
	aStream nextPutAll:  ('\begin{minted}{smalltalk}'); lf.
	aStream nextPutAll: (self body contents asString withInternetLineEndings); lf.
	aStream nextPutAll: '\end{minted}';lf;lf.
	^aStream contents

offray added as text/x-fossil-plain on 2017-01-08 18:19:20:
Thanks Udo. This is solved in Grafoscopio-OffrayLuna.247. Please update from Monticello.